Friday, September 28, 2007

New house, same gang

I'm back. The guy whose house we played at moved and so we had to pack everything up. Including, I might add, a top of the line city board as well as 2 or 3 totes of random terrain, 2 Eldar armies, an inquisitor army, and a marine army (all with one army transport kit). We went from having 2 tables set up every Tuesday to the new house with high hopes, but then, we knew we wouldn't have an attic to ourselves.

Having moved it all, we then had about a week off trying to find things to play with. The first game we played, we used drink coasters as drop pods, and allowed that anything big enough to be a dreadnought could be used as one.

But we played. I think it was a total of 4 weeks off preceeded by a 3 week long vacation which allowed a total erasure of all mental faculties Warhammer related. Case in point, I jumped an entire assault squad against a land raider carrying a veteran squad led by a chaplain so that I could attempt to use my power fist against it (3 attacks, 6s to hit). I...uh...didn't kill the land raider and so the veteran squad, with furious charge, reminded my assault squad why it pays to be careful.

I remember thinking, as I was doing it, 'Wow! This is a really bad idea!' but, you know, I'd measured.

Strangely enough, I still nearly won that battle, and here's why. Nothing beats dreadnoughts with Assault Cannons and Heavy Flamers entering via drop pod so long as there's a spot of level 3 terrain that you can use to your advantage. I lost, though, to victory points. I was unable to kill the land raider as it retreated away from me and around a corner and so there were a whole lot of points left on one side (which couldn't have killed my dreadnoughts) and only my two dreadnoughts to stack up against them. Oh well...I prefer games that aren't just "kill 'em all" so I guess you have to take the good with the bad.

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