Sunday, March 26, 2006

Dearest Avram

First off folks, I am not Avram.

Avram is, in many ways, the first guide on my journey into the making of molds and such. Actually, Avram bought me my first hot knife. He is a long time friend and fellow wargamer, and evidently, a fan.

As such, it is unreasonable for you, Avram, to be bidding on these objects. You need but ask and I will grace your table with little trees, as many as you like..though admittedly, too many trees and the board gets a bit clutterred. I believe I was payed the highest compliment very recently by one of the guys I play with, Russ, who looked over at the bookcase of scenery they no longer use since I joined the gang and said, "can we get rid of this crappy terrain finally." If I could sell our city scape board without incurring $80 worth of S and H, I would. Perhaps soon I will post pictures of the ruined city. Though, Avram, I think you're right. The game needs rules for buildings, installations, listening posts, etc.. There are minor rules in City Fight, but that's for the last edition.

I presume that you are making this "move" of bidding on my items because you see that I have no bids on anything as of yet, and you fear that I will be left in the lurch. Fear not and stay the course--people generally bid at the last minute. Besides, if you do a search for trees and Warhammer, you will notice that I am one of two scenery designers in the U.S. as of now who are making little trees (probably for good reason, but hey, my masochism is your bargain). This is reason alone to think that the trees will sell.

1 comment:

Monstro D. Whale said...

Did I mention that the trees are haunted?

Well, mon frer Hooknoobie, if you are going to bid, at least bid wisely. You're supposed to wait to the last minute and snipe like any good ebay'er. Geez, you're bidding five days out. Head in the game, Avram, head in the game.